Castle of the Bishops of Sigüenza
Pl. del Castillo, s/n, 19250 Sigüenza, Guadalajara, Spain
By Flight
We recommend flying to Madrid airport
By Car
Drive 1.5 hours from Madrid
Drive 5 hours from Barcelona
By Taxi
Taxi from Madrid airport will be about 170 euros one way
By Train
There is a train from Madrid to Sigüenza which takes approximately 2.5 hours.
(Not sure frequency)
You are welcome to stay anywhere but we would suggest you stay at the Parador in which we are having the wedding. The official price for 21/22 is €157 & €197 accommodation only respectively. The Parador will do a price for both days of €165 bed and breakfast, you have to say you are attending our wedding SIMONE & MARCOS WEDDING 22/06/24 to get this. Best thing to do is Email the Parador
Call them +34 949390100
Also read more about the Paradores it will introduce to them and provide a link to the loyalty scheme which is well worth it.